A Great Place to Live
Tips for Enjoying Winter in The Orchards

There are many days ahead that the business office will be closed while the staff enjoys the holidays with family. The business office is closed from December 20th thru January 2nd.
In the winter when snow comes down it coats the landscape in white. Trash pickup is on Friday and using anything BUT white trash bags is a MUST to assure that your trash bags are picked up properly.
Thank you to everyone who decorates their home over the holidays and makes the community beautiful. Please make sure that all of the holiday decorations are taken down and stored away by January 10th. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter.
Snow plows keep our community roads safe and passable throughout the winter season. Please YEILD to the Plow Truck. They are heavy vehicles and can’t stop on a dime. And they have the right of way. Thank you again for your cooperation on this matter.
Finally, whether it’s winter or another season, the speed limit is 15 MPH in The Orchards. There are many older ACTIVE people who walk the community by themselves or with their pets. Please respect the speed limit in the community. And enjoy a peaceful walk in The Orchards.